Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Faunadestia by Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson’s stage name came from the name came from a combination of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson’s name. Interestingly enough, those were not their real names.

Marilyn Monroe’s real name was Norma Jean Mortensen, while Charles Manson’s real name is Charles Maddox.

Ironically, both Monroe and Manson had insane mothers who physically abused them often. On one occasion Monroe’s mother tried to smother her with a pillow as she slept and Manson’s mother often sent him to school dressed as a girl.

Monroe was thought to have a high IQ, and Charles Manson’s IQ is above average at 121. Curiously, both of them had three marriages that ended in divorce in the Sixties.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

everythin about marilynmanson is scary

9/09/2005 3:04 AM  

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